For the past several days, the weather was gorgeous (low 20s), the skies were clear, gardens were blooming everywhere, people were out strolling about in the parks and me? I was stuck inside my room febrile and nauseated while countless trees were killed to contain the buckets of snot my nasal passages were perpetually seeping out. And whose fault is this? It’s the fault of the irresponsible, incompetent, rude and completely asinine family of my sweet lom who came to the ER with lots and lots of wheezing. One of them had a cold and kept spraying the room with his snotty secretions. He also refused to wear a mask because “I’m not fucking staying here”. Yet another delightful family member marched right up to the nursing station and demanded that I page the doctor right away – when her request was flat out denied, she coughed her smoker’s cough without covering her face or at least turning away almost in my face. She also got quite offended when I decided to don a N-95 in thier presence. I finally got fed up with all of them and told them to leave. As a parting gift, some of them left snotty tissues around the patient’s bed and the nursing station when there are PLENTY of garbage cans around. Three days later, I too am sick. If there’s any sort of karmic justice at work, I really hope that those pricks contracted C. diff and lose their driver’s license.
I had what you had weeks ago and it was no fun. I never saw so much snot coming out of my nose in all my life. I have had some real nasty colds in the past but I don't recall there being that much mucus. It is a nasty little cold bug that one. I hope you feel better soon.
The first year I was a nurse I was constantly sick, and would break out with weird autoimmune-type skin rashes. After that, and to this day, I am never sick. My theory is that I have a super-human immune system from being exposed to so many germs. Hope it is the same for you :)
Thanks for the well wishes :)
I really hope I develop the mega nurse immune system and soon...
The thing you're writing is a big blunder.
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