It’s nice to have friends who are also nurses. A few days ago, one of my very good friends (I’m looking at you, J) met up with me after a harrowing night shift to vent (errr debrief) about a challenging family member who demanded medical care only to refuse every single treatment option offered. I’ve run into far too many similar situations and they’re a pain in the ass to deal with Every. Single. Time. I greatly respect the fact that a patient knows their body better than anyone else and that those who live with chronic diseases often know more about effective treatments than emergency RNs and MDs. I for one welcome the feedback because it not only enhanced my own learning but allows me to provide better care. However, when patients come in armed with a medical degree granted by Drs Wiki and Google and expect us to follow random internet advice to cure what ails them because they are ‘customers’ of the health care system, it’s not going to happen. Ever. Why? Because we use best practice guidelines to provide COMPETENT and SAFE care even if that care contradicts the generous stacks of printouts from There are LEGAL ramifications to not providing care that is based on sound science.
One of my most irritating encounters happened with a middle aged man who came in complaining of shortness of breath. It was clear he had pneumonia (what with the raging fever, gunky sounding lungs and the dramatic expectoration of army fatigue coloured phlegm) but he absolutely refused the antibiotics citing concerns about antibiotic resistance and his consumer power. And yes, he had stacks of printouts, mostly with ads for weight loss remedies on the side, to ‘argue’ his case. Logic did not have a place in that exam room. I hate to get all flustered, but WTF??! Why bother coming into emerg at all?
This whole business about the customer always being right is total crap when it comes to providing safe, competent, evidence based care to a ‘customer’ who picked up their medical knowledge from internet pop-up ads and snippets of TV shows.
40 minutes ago