I don’t have substantial statistical data to present on this blog post, but I’m fairly certain that pelvic exams don’t top of the 100 most fun things to do lists for most women, however, they end up being necessary for one reason or another. As a female nurse chaperoning male doctors while they perform a pelvic exam, my level of awkwardness has ranged from acceptable to “please let me die now so that I never have to relive this moment again”. Because I’m a glutton for punishment (and this topic was the one being discussed during my last night shift), I decided to recall the three most horrifying pelvic exams I’ve had to witness and post them up for your entertainment!
Pelvic exam fail 1
A woman with 10/10 suprapubic pain is thoroughly nervous, grimacing and probably wishing she could crawl up into a hole somewhere and die. Dr. Hotshot comes in, starts spewing his spiel about the process and proceeds to do a bimanual which makes the patient tear up with pain. Dr. Hotshot says, “Sorry dear, I’ve got huge fingers” FAIL!
Pelvic exam fail 2
A woman with half the colour wheel on her face shows up and loudly announces “My p**** is leaking fishy cottage cheese and my stomach hurts so bad”. Just my luck that Sizzlin’ Samuel was the resident who ended up doing the pelvic exam and I got to be the lucky nurse chaperoning. He gently explained what he was going to do and as far as pelvic exams go, he was very professional. Just when he started doing a bimanual exam, the patient looks at me and asks, “Honey has he ever done this to you and you liked it too?” We both ran out of the room after that declaring that exam to be a FAIL!
Pelvic exam fail 3
A 2 day post partum woman who gave birth at home presented with fevers, chills and crampy lower abdominal pain and intermittent spotting. Retained products of conception was the primary suspect which led her to the gyne stretcher. The husband looked somewhat stoned but at 0200 I don’t exactly look lucid either. The speculum is inside the woman, the doctor is cleaning out some clots and the patient has her eyes closed, probably counting down to the time when her entire ordeal is over when the husband says, “Baby lemme take a picture of this” as he inches towards the doctor with his iPhone. The patient got freaked out, kicked her husband in the face and the gyne tray (with clots and tissue) went flying across the room. FAIL!
57 minutes ago